Awards and Articles
The dentist is often only as good as the lab technician that is involved in the team. This award recognises the technician whose skills allow the dentist to create that perfect smile.
To enter into this category, Simon included a number of anterior indirect restorations. He submitted views of the patient before and after treatment, as well as photographs of wax-ups, provisional restorations and laboratory work.
A case report was also required to discuss the patient's concerns and include details of diagnosis and the rationale for therapy, including different options presented to the patient, and a description of how technical and functional issues were addressed during treatment.
The Smile Awards 2011 organised by FMC saw Simon collect the Aesthetic Restorative Technician award for his outstanding talent.
Simon who came highly commended at the 2010 & 2009 awards received the prestigious award for 2 beautiful, 3 unit E-Max bridges he created pictured below.